Monday, August 2, 2010

Josephine Kay

Josephine Kay Drew Sept. 2-3, 2008 She had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Turner Syndrome


Beka Jo said...

Thank you so much for this :-)

For those who are wanting to watch the youtube video slide show highlight the entire link and left click and either copy or click a "got to..." option if copied highlight the address at the top delete left click address box paste and there you go...thank you for taking time to watch may God keep our hearts light and our feet firmly planted on the ground <3 heart hugs to everyone effected by child loss

Beka Jo said...

I got pregnant again in Sept. 2010 on March 18, 2011 I delivered a stillborn baby boy named River Lyric....I hate to take another beautiful butterfly from the so many people out here who are grieving so I will just update it here under his Big sisters picture...which I cherish this photo...Thank you so much for what you do for us bereaved parents facing such losses as losing our babies/children God Bless you and your family.

Beka Jo said...

I am going to take back what I said...I hate to take a butterfly from someone else who is grieving but I think I do want a butterfly released for my son as well I sent my request in today