Saturday, May 11, 2013


Davine Angel Tackett ~ December 11 2006
(photos 4/26/13 5-7)


(photos 4/28/13 10-12 laptop)


stillborn on 9th August 2012

(photos 5/5/13 1-3, labtop)

Anthony Michael

(photos 4/28/13 13-15 laptop)

Gracelyn Ciana

April 3, 2007 2:29 am - 8:00 pm
"With wings she flies"
(photos 4/26/13 1-2, labtop)

Poppy, Jasper, Harry and Frøja

Poppy at 20+2 weeks gestation on September 11 

 Our triplets Jasper, Harry and Frøja Allington ~ May 1st, 2013 

Spread your wings and prepare to fly,
for you have become a butterfly,
Fly abandonedly into the sun,
if you should return to me
we truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly butterfly.

(photos 5/11/13 72-89, desktop)

Allison, James and Colin

On December 31st 2012, I lost my triplets Allison, James and Colin.
They were born at 20 weeks and 3 days.

(photos 5/11/13 photos 1-15 desktop)